Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump
Feinstein received a standing ovation from the 850 people at the sold-out Herbst Theater when she walked onto the stage for an hour-long “conversation” with former East Bay Rep. Ellen Tauscher. But near the end of the political lovefest, the senator shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term.
“The question is whether he can learn and change,” Feinstein told the crowd at the Commonwealth Club event. “If so, I believe he can be a good president.”
The crowd reacted with stunned silence, broken only with scattered “No’s” and a few hisses and some nervous laughter.
But Feinstein didn’t back away, reacting to a question about why Democrats aren’t being more out front in attacking Trump by reminding people that not only is Trump president, but he’s also only been in office for eight months.
“We’ll have to see if he can forget himself enough and have the type of empathy and direction the country needs,” she said.
If he doesn’t, she added, “there are things that can be done.”
Feinstein argued that a strategy of all attack, all the time, wasn’t going to make it easier for her or any other Democrat to accomplish anything in Washington.
This is some Trumpian level disconnect from reality, folks. If by now Feinstein hasn’t learned that Trump doesn’t have a scintilla of empathy in his blackened soul, then there is no hope. I am sorry that all of the people Trump is oppressing are making HER life difficult, but it’s only a matter of life and death for the rest of us.
THIS is why Democrats lose. Because they have become completely disconnected from the day-to-day reality of living in a world where you don’t have a seven or eight figure income to fall back on. Feinstein is part of the Vichy Democratic wing of the party who have the demented idea that the GOP is a party you can work with. Hate to break it to you, but Eisenhower left the building long ago, and no one has seen a sane Republican since about 1985.
Today’s GOP will stop at nothing less than the utter destruction of Great Society and New Deal era programs, and all who support those ideals. We now live in a de facto police state and are rapidly swinging to a fascist state.
The reality of today’s conservatives is best explained by paraphrasing Kyle Reese from The Terminator:
“Listen, and understand! [The GOP] is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead!”